Page Tabs

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Yes, I know I haven't blogged for almost a week.  I have been busy with life and the gym.  

BUT, I can't miss a SWW!  So here we go:

So What...

...if I bought a pair of pants that are a little snug and hung them on my full length mirror.  Those are my motivation!!

...if I'm ready for spring break! 

...if I am totally excited for the weekend away R and I have planned for spring break. 

...if my legs are killing from squats and lunges.  Hurts so good!

...if I'm obsessed with the CD my girl, Kimmy, sent!  It's my favorite!!

...if I'm putting my foot down about planning two field day's this year.  I did that last year.  My co-teacher can do one of them.

...if I'm totally excited that my best friend announced to the world {Facebook} today that she's pregnant!!!

...if I'm pumped to get to the gym and pump some iron!

...if I'm ready for FRIDAY!!!


  1. I am killing it with my work outs... now please splain' to me how to quit eating like a woman version of fat bastard after said workout... whoof

  2. PS I bought a similar pair of pants HOLLA
