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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hump Day


That's right... be jealous.

Hubby Jack himself has nominated me for a Hubbies Award.  I'm thinking this is his ploy to get me to answer the blog design questions he sent quicker.  I promise, HJ, I'll get to it. Life has been crazy busy lately.  If you hadn't noticed I've been busy riding a trolly around town making reindeer do inappropriate {yet hilarious} things in people's yards.  

Exhibit A:

Thanks for the award, Hubby Jack.  I'm honored that you think I'm a nice person.  This award has taught me that I need to show my true colors more often.  

So, in the spirit of me being a kind hearted person, I want to wish you all a Happy Hump Day.  Hump, hump, hump, hump.  See you soon, Rockstars!