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Monday, December 31, 2012


Tonight I will be celebrating with the best friends I could ask for.

May you have a safe and fun celebration ringing in 2013!!  

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hump Day


That's right... be jealous.

Hubby Jack himself has nominated me for a Hubbies Award.  I'm thinking this is his ploy to get me to answer the blog design questions he sent quicker.  I promise, HJ, I'll get to it. Life has been crazy busy lately.  If you hadn't noticed I've been busy riding a trolly around town making reindeer do inappropriate {yet hilarious} things in people's yards.  

Exhibit A:

Thanks for the award, Hubby Jack.  I'm honored that you think I'm a nice person.  This award has taught me that I need to show my true colors more often.  

So, in the spirit of me being a kind hearted person, I want to wish you all a Happy Hump Day.  Hump, hump, hump, hump.  See you soon, Rockstars!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I've Been Nominated!

In order to accept the award there are a few rules you must follow

The Rules:
1. You must thank the person who nominated you for the award.
2. You must write eleven facts/things/tidbits about yourself.
3. You must answer eleven questions that were given to you from your nominator.
4. You must nominate eleven other bloggers who have 200 or less followers and tag them in your acceptance post.
5. You must create eleven new questions for your nominees to answer in their acceptance post.
6. You must notify your eleven nominees on their blog, so they can accept their award and pay it forward.
7. You must not nominate the person who nominated you.
8. After all of this is done, you may add the Liebster Award Button to your blog.

So, here we go...

I have been nominated for the Liebster Award!!  I'm so excited!  Thanks to the fabulous Mrs. K. Scott from No Rest For The Weary Mommy for the nominating me for this prestigious award.  This is a dream I have had since a very young age.  I would also like to thank the academy {okay, so maybe I've always wanted to say that}.  Seriously though, this blog thing is something I started as a way of communicating with R while he was away and I was unable to talk to him. I never dreamed it would connect me to so many awesome women and one Hubby Jack.  Thank you all for sticking around to read my thoughts.

11 Random Facts About Me...

1.  The first time I saw the ocean I was 15 years old and in Australia
2.  My job requires me to wear athletic shoes, however outside of school {unless I'm at the gym} you will rarely see me in athletic shoes or flats.
3.  Besides R, very few people know everything about me.  It takes a long time for me to trust someone enough to have a "no filter" status.
4.  I love to shop, but would rather spend my money on someone else than on myself.
5.  My favorite colors are grey and teal.
6.  My #1 hobby is photography.  It is perhaps my favorite form of self expression.
7.  I cannot hula hoop.
8.  I can make balloon animals - call that my hidden talent if you will.
9.  My hair color is not natural - You're shocked, I know.
10.  I want to go sky diving.
11.  Sometimes my favorite place to be is at home.

My 11 Questions from Mrs. K. Scott...

1. What's your favorite holiday? 4th of July.  I LOVE the fireworks and the patriotism that surrounds that holiday.
2. How many, if any, siblings do you have? I have one older brother.  I also have two brother-in-law's and a sister-in-law.
3. What's your favorite place to eat out?  My all time favorite place to eat out is at The Shed in Mississippi, here at home I like Biaggi's, an itallian place.
4. What's your favorite website?  
5. What's your favorite gift you have ever received?  Plane tickets to Florida just after R and I stated dating.
6. What household chore do you hate the most?  Folding laundry.  I don't mind washing it, but loathe folding it.
7. What's your favorite book?  The Bible
8. What's the best thing you have ever purchased for yourself?  A massage - I definitely need to get them more often.
9. What's your favorite guilty-pleasure show?  Jersey Shore and watching my cousin on Real Housewives of NYC last season. - yes, that was name dropping, in a way.
10. How old were you when you got married and had kids?  We were both 23 when we got married.  No kids yet.
11. If I gave you $1,000 what would you spend it on?   Bills - being an adult is over rated sometimes.

I Hereby Nominate The Following Ladies For This Prestigious Award...

Leigh Ann from Elle Noel
Brittney from Smart Girl Style
Melissa from Our Barker Bunch
Darci from Strongly Feminine
Annie from One Crazy Mama
Veronica from V Watts' Thoughts
Rebecca from Just Another Blog

My Questions For These Lovely Ladies...

1.  Chocolate or Vanilla?
2.  If you could go any place in the world, where would you go?
3.  When it comes to eyebrows, plucking or waxing?
4.  Are you a morning person or a night owl?
5.  Dogs or cats?
6.  How many tattoos do you have?
7.  How many of the 50 states have you been to?
8.  Hot dogs or hamburgers?
9.  Are you a righty or lefty?
10.  If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?
11.  What is your hidden talent?

Post it up!  I can't wait to read your Liebster Award acceptance posts!

What I've Been DIY'ing

This one's for YOU, Melanie!!!!!

Last week I mentioned picking up a hutch that a friend made for me.  It took MUCH longer than I thought it would to prime, paint, and put polyurethane on it.  However... IT'S DONE!!!!  ... well, minus having knobs on the doors.  The knobs I bought at Hobby Lobby were too big and I haven't made it back up there yet.   But anyway... here are a few pictures of it sitting nicely in it's new home....

Before Priming
Dimentions are 32" high,  24" wide, and 12" deep
Paint colors are Sherwin-Williams Grizzle Grey and  Raindrop

I'm waiting on a picture of my sister-in-law and I for the frame.  :)

I LOVE the way it turned out.  It won't always sit partially on the carpet, however, until Christmas is over, that's where it will be.  

Now, on to my favorite recent DIY....

Last week, my parents came over to help me decorate for Christmas {I do not enjoy doing it by myself} and I mentioned in our next house I would like to have lights above my cabinets.  My dad, being the smart engineer type that he is, said it would be easy to do now.   FABULOUS!!

We discussed the needed materials and off I went to Menards. 

The next evening my Dad came back to help drill the hole {I wasn't up for the task of splitting my cabinets by myself}.

For starters you will need one of these.  I picked this up the week before at Menards for $9.99.  It comes with three wireless outlet adaptors, the remote, and a battery.  My only complaint is the thickness of the outlet adaptor.   It sticks out from the wall probably two inches... then when you plug something into it, it sticks out even more {this the reason my hutch is sitting partially on the carpet}.  I swear a man invented these... if a women had, the outlet on the adaptor would be in the bottom to prevent it from sticking out farther from the wall. Men.

We {read: my dad} drilled a hole in the top of my cabinets right behind the area where the doors meet so you don't see it. This is the cabinet right above my microwave.  There is already an outlet in there for the microwave to plug in to.  The plug comes off of the lights, so we only needed a hole about the size of a nickel. 

We reattached the plug to the lights, plugged it in, and voilà!!  Lights above the cabinets!!

What kind of lights did I use, you ask???

Good old rope lights.  I got these {30 feet worth} at Menards for $14.99. That was my only investment in this project.  I'm happy with the way it turned out.  I wish I could have lights on top of the cabinets on the other side of my kitchen, but there isn't an outlet over there.  I don't have as many cabinets over there anyway, so it's alright.



The wireless adapter and remote work PERFECTLY for turning the lights off and on without having to get up in the cabinet.  

So there you have it.  My super easy, cheap, DIY project.  The lights are great for nights when we come home late {read: being out with friends}.  They don't get hot and provide just enough light so it's not pitch black when walking into the house.  

Monday, December 10, 2012

Moody Monday.

Dear Monday,

We are no longer friends.  Actually, we never were friends, I lead you to believe we had a good relationship, when in fact I have not cared for you for a long time.  Sorry, I'm not sorry for deceiving you.

This morning, however, you took my dislike for you to a whole new level.  When my alarm went off at 6:20 you decided to speed up time.  Somehow the minutes from 6:20-7:40 FLEW by this morning, thus causing me to be late leaving the house, with wet hair pulled up in a messy bun.  In addition, my plan to blog about my latest DIY had to be put on hold {sorry, Mel} due to me not having time to take the proper pictures, instead I spent time frantically running around the house trying to find something to pack for lunch {which got forgotten on the counter} while letting Fenway out to do his duty.

I have NO jewelry on, which is usually not a big deal, but this weekend I made a deal with my ladies at school that I would start "dolling up" my usually ensemble of sweats - today's ootd is my classic black yoga pants paired with a simple long sleeve plum shirt.  Intentions were to pair this with some fun teal earrings and a teal necklace.  {Who says the pe teacher can't wear jewelry?!?}  Day 1 of "operation jewel up Mrs. Hoppus" was a fail.  Thanks a lot, Monday.

In addition, someone {certainly not me} decided today would be a good day for Aunt Flow to visit {sorry, Hubby Jack, this is what you get for being the only male reader}. Thank goodness I was slightly prepared for her.  And by slightly, I mean not at all. {"Hello, I will be late to school.  I need to make a quick stop on my way....  Yes, I'm okay, just not prepared for Aunt Flow to visit."}

Lastly, my throat is killing me and I have a nice manly voice going on right now.  This isn't necessarily your fault, but I'm going to blame you anyway.  Hope you don't mind.

All that being said, I'll give you another chance to redeem yourself next week.  Until then, piss off, Monday.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


So What Wednesday
  • So what if I have NO idea what I want for Christmas.  I got the most beautiful ring from R and  I am one happy girl!  And... I love surprises!  {You're all welcome to send one, should you feel inclined.}  
  • So what if I have been coughing my brains out for the last 4 days when I go to bed at night.  It's not like R wants a decent night's sleep or anything.  I get this crap every year at this time.  ("Hello, Doctor.  Can I please make an appointment to get a shot in my a$$ and a Z-Pak?  Thanks.")  Tomorrow is the day I break down and go for that yearly visit.  
  • So what if I have a box of well behaved white wine, that also looks like water and has no flavor, in my fridge.  The alcohol content is still there and the looking like water part could work to my advantage.  Well played, Franzia, well played.
  • So what if I have a minor girl crush on Kristin and Nancy Clue.  Those two CRACK me up!!! I could die a happy girl if I got to meet them.
  • So what if my new outfit of choice is my charcoal Anything Goes Tunic, mustard Lenore scarf, and Holly leggings, and boots.  If you don't own anything from Kiki La'Rue you are missing out!  Becka is a fabulous gal with even better customer service!  
  • So what if I'm looking forward to spring!  Melanie and I have been discussing the possibilities of a STL, Indiana blogger meet up.  Aly and Holly, are you in?? 
  • So what if I just named dropped a million times.  A girl has to give shout outs to her people. 
  • So what if it's taking me longer than planned to paint my hutch.  Fingers crossed it gets finished tonight.  Homegirl is tired of parking outside. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Weekend Recap

Hey all!  Just warning you in advance, this is not my most exciting post.  It was a busy weekend and I don't have many picture to share.... yet.  I have a few projects in the works that I'll post pictures of when they are done, but for now, here you go.....

Friday I had a much needed girls night with some gals from school.  We did a little jewelry and Pampered Chef shopping as well as some wine drinking and LOTS of laughing.  It was a blast!  I can't wait to do it again!

Saturday morning was my first 5K.  I did the Jingle Bell Run with some of the gals I was with Friday night.  It was SO much fun!  I'll definitely run another 5K soon!  It was also a humbling experience.  As I was running, I approached a man with Cerebral Palsy.  This gentleman was  not even a mile into his walk as I was coming around for my second lap (we ran two laps around a local university campus).   Here I was, able bodied and running, thinking about how the cold air was hurting my lungs, and this guy was out there breathing in the same cold air, struggling to walk the 3.1 miles.  I decided at that point that my time wasn't important.  I stopped running and walked for probably 200 yards with this gentleman.  He was kind, he was appreciative, and he was optomistic about finishing his race.   I ended up finishing my race in 31:40, and that was just fine with me.  I met a wonderful new friend and had a great time with the friends I went to the race with.  

This is my running buddy from school.  I should have had my antlers and Rudolph nose on.
Sorry for the blur... her 8 year old son took the picture.

Our team, the Roanoke Racing Reindeer.  We were the second highest fundraising team for the Arthritis Foundation.

My brother works for this bank, so naturally I had to take a picture with the truck and send it to him.
I'm sure he'll put it in his office.  

That afternoon was my Thanksgiving dinner with my Dad's side of the family.  We shared a lot of laughs and memories of my Grandma.  All in all, I'd call it a successful day.  

Sunday, I went to church then worked in the nursery during the later service.  Then we went to my Mom's parents for lunch.  That evening I came home and primed the hutch I had made.  

Last night my parents came over for dinner and helped us decorate for Christmas.   They are coming back tonight to finish and my Dad is going to help me put lights on top of my cabinets.  Pictures to come.  Also, I'm hoping to get my hutch finished tonight.... I'll post pictures of that finished product as well.

My new Sephora goodies should arrive tomorrow -- fingers crossed for complete products and not dust... 

Happy Tuesday!!!  Just 13 more school days until break!!!